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Half Life:Counterstrike
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S.W.A.T. The Special Warfare and Assasinations Team... The Ultimate Team for Counterstrike. S.W.A.T's members are determined by ALL of the members. If they don't agree, you're off. If you're interested go to our guestbook and you can sign up.
Some questions people would ask
How did this clan start?
It was on a Thursday, when I went to school normally, and this guy was talking about counterstrike. He was a guy called Alex Mccabe and he was talking about how cool the game is. I also knew the game quite well, and I had an idea to of making a clan just like those cool clans out there in Counter-strike. So I gathered up my friends whom I usually played with in Local Network Games. They were 3 people:Master S, Bunghole and UDLR. They agreed joining the clan and I declared them as original clan members. After that, two more people joined who goes to our school. They are Jonglin, Sean and Sei Huan. (I really don't know their player names yet) They both also agreed to join this clan. Our first several games our going to be in Local Network Areas, the place where I live, Philippines. And that's how our clan started.
How can I trust this team? Are they very experienced?
Of course! We've got our captain UDLR! He has good marksmanship with any Sniper Rifle! He has very good leadership and his tactics lead to one thing! Kick ass! Anyway, besides UDLR, We've got Master Sang, and expert in assault and he's the "amusing" one and always cheers up our team. He's especially good with the AK-47 and the Commando. He is a very talented person and is very useful ("without him, there wouldn't be a clan," a message from Master S)We've got Bunghole, a major Full-Time sniper who just can't miss! Man! You should want to join this clan already! You have me, T.O.P. who's pretty much good with Sniper Rifles. Well, Sei Huan, Sean and Jonglin, I'm not sure about them but they might be useful in our clan. Any questions?